Stem cells clearly have some amazing potential when it comes to medical therapies. So why should you store your child’s stem cells?
Usually when receiving stem cell treatments from a donor – whether that is a blood relative or stranger – the cells need to be as close a match to you own as possible. Worse still you may need to wait for a donor to come along which can take some time.
Here is why it is so beneficial to store your baby’s cord blood and tissue.
Should your child become sick then you will have immediate access to a 100% stem cell match as and when you need it. Second to that should they have a sibling that gets ill, you will again have immediate access to the stored stem cells that have a high chance of being a close match. (25% chance of being a perfect match and 50% chance of being a partial match)
With all this information, if you are interested in the process of cord blood banking you can get a welcome pack from us, which should give you all the details you need. We are also always happy to give you help over the phone.