Stem Cell Blog

Употребата на матичните клетки од папочна врвца рапидно се зголемува. Пред 10 години крвта од папочна врвца можеше да лекува околу 40 состојби, но денес таа бројка е над 80. Со нетрпение очекуваме нови терапии за болести и нарушувања како што се дијабет, аутизам и мозочен удар, можете да бидете во тек со најновите случувања во регенеративната медицина на нашиот блог за матични клетки.


09/01/2024 BlogOther

Choosing a name for a newborn is a deeply personal decision that significantly impacts a child’s identity. Baby names in the UK change over time due to a combination of culture, tradition, and modern influences. Despite this, classic names continue to remain popular. In this article, we dive into trends and reveal the most popular baby names of recent times.


09/01/2024 BlogOther

Stem cells are the foundation of other cells in the body. They have the unique ability to differentiate into specialised cells with more specific functions such as brain cells, blood cells, heart muscle cells, or bone cells.


09/01/2024 Other

Cell Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an auto-immune disease where the patient’s immune system attacks the myelin sheaths surrounding and protecting nerve fibres in the central nervous system. In June, a clinical trial began that plans to treat progressive MS with cord blood.


09/01/2024 Other

What if you could harness the potential of life-giving cord blood and secure your child’s future health?  That’s exactly what cord blood banking offers. In this enlightening article, we unfold the benefits of cord blood with Cells4Life and its remarkable applications.


09/01/2024 Other

What is umbilical cord blood?

Umbilical cord blood is the blood that can be collected from your baby’s umbilical cord and the placenta after they are born. Umbilical cord blood contains billions of powerful stem cells to treat over 80 different diseases. They may even hold the key to regenerative medicine. This is why millions of parents in the UK and worldwide choose to store blood from their children’s umbilical cord and placenta.