Pre-Made Stem Cell Treatment for Aggressive Brain Cancer

Cancer is something we always hear about. It is a scary topic and something that will potentially affect 1 In 2 (50%) males and 45% of females who were born post-1960 in the UK. Research is always being done into potential treatments and even cures, with sometimes exciting results.
If you are interested in hearing about a specific study to do with a form of brain cancer, read on! We will fill you in on this exciting development.
Stem cells
A very quick reminder of what stem cells are.
Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that form all other cells. Within the body stem cells can become muscle cells, blood cells, brain cells, other stem cells etc. No other cell in the body can do this.
These unique cells are being used in various studies and experiments as they have huge potential in treating disease and injuries.
What is Glioblastoma?
Now onto the topic of today’s blog.
Glioblastoma is an uncommon but aggressive form of brain cancer that can appear at any age but is more typically found in adults. Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to treat due to how fast it grows and the fact that most drugs cannot cross the blood-brain barrier.
Depending on where the tumour grows it can cause the following symptoms:
Constant headaches
Trouble thinking or speaking
Mood changes
Blurred or double vision