Could Stem Cell Technology Offer a Cure for Heart Conditions?

Today, we’re talking about matters of the heart – medical ones, that is. And how, courtesy of stem cell technology, regenerative medicine could one day lead the way in helping everyone lead happier, healthier lives – free from heart disease.
If you’ve ever asked yourself, “why keep cord blood?”, this blog has all the answers you need.
Let’s start with some sobering statistics from the British Heart Foundation.
- Heart and circulatory conditions affect millions of people in the UK and throughout the world. In this country alone, they cause a quarter of all deaths, with an average of 460 deaths each and every day. That’s one person every three minutes.
- Up to as many as 100,000 hospital admissions are as a result of heart attacks.
- Each day, 13 babies are diagnosed with congenital heart disease.
- More than 900,000 people in the UK are living with heart failure.