Stem Cell Blog

Употребата на матичните клетки од папочна врвца рапидно се зголемува. Пред 10 години крвта од папочна врвца можеше да лекува околу 40 состојби, но денес таа бројка е над 80. Со нетрпение очекуваме нови терапии за болести и нарушувања како што се дијабет, аутизам и мозочен удар, можете да бидете во тек со најновите случувања во регенеративната медицина на нашиот блог за матични клетки.


The emotional and physical journey of pregnancy is an exciting and fascinating time for women. As expectant mums become more knowledgeable about their pregnancies, they begin to wonder about the development of their baby inside the womb. A common question that is asked by many mothers is “how do babies breathe in the womb?”


As soon as you learn that you’re expecting, you’ll begin to think about a lot of things. For many, their first thought may be about the date their baby will arrive but when might this be?

Commonly called a ‘due date’, the day of your expected arrival can begin to sound a lot like an appointment. It helps to think of it as an estimate.


Did you know that not only can you store umbilical cord blood, but you can store the umbilical tissue too?

Umbilical cord tissue contains stem cells not found in the cord blood and this blog aims to explain why storing these can be hugely beneficial.

Read on to find out more.


For some mums-to-be, a winter pregnancy is a welcome reprieve from the heat of summer. Yet as the nights draw in and the temperature falls, there is a whole new set of challenges that you will need to think about.

Here are some tips to help you beat the seasonal blues and stay fighting fit during this year’s cold snap.


Although home births are becoming less and less common in the UK, they are still a popular choice for thousands of women across the country. According to the Office of National Statistics, 2.1% of total births took place at home in 2017. If you’re thinking of keeping comfortable at home and skipping the hospital hallways, here’s what you need to know.