Stem Cell Blog

Употребата на матичните клетки од папочна врвца рапидно се зголемува. Пред 10 години крвта од папочна врвца можеше да лекува околу 40 состојби, но денес таа бројка е над 80. Со нетрпение очекуваме нови терапии за болести и нарушувања како што се дијабет, аутизам и мозочен удар, можете да бидете во тек со најновите случувања во регенеративната медицина на нашиот блог за матични клетки.


09/01/2024 Other

TotiCyte™ – the next generation of cord blood processing technology

The most important factors in determining a successful stem cell transplant are human leukocyte antigen (HLA) match and number of living (viable) cells available for treatment.
HLA is the finger print equivalent to see if the donor matches the patient. If they do not, then game over. However, if there is a good enough match, then 25 million total nucleated cells (TNC) per kg of bodyweight are required to give the patient the best chance of a successful stem cell transplant.
Many public cord blood banks apply a very high TNC threshold before they will store a cord blood unit for possible transplant use. Thresholds between 1.4 and 2.5 billion TNC increase the probability that the samples they process will be therapeutically useful.

09/01/2024 Other

Multiple sclerosis affects around 100,000 people in the UK each year. Today, a new NHS study appears to have found a way to halt the condition in its tracks.

Currently suffers are treated with medication to improve physical problems and ease discomfort, but it does not prevent the progression of the disease, which see’s patients lose the ability to walk, ultimately ending up confined to a wheelchair.


09/01/2024 Other

World Kidney Day is a global campaign aiming at raising awareness of the importance of our kidneys to overall health and reducing the frequency and impact of kidney disease and its associated health problems.

This annual event takes place worldwide, with hundreds of organisations and individuals launching initiatives and events on WKD to help educate the wider public on kidney disease. On this occasion, we reflect on some of the exciting recent developments and anticipated treatments using stem cells for kidney disease.


08/01/2024 Other

Continuing with our contribution to Cord Blood Awareness Month, this week we are raising awareness of stem cells and cell potency.

Stem cells are the very building blocks of our bodies.  At the moment of conception, a stem cell is made, a master cell which creates the lineage of cells needed to create a baby. As the cells continue to divide, after conception, they become more and more specialised, taking on roles dedicated to a more specific purpose. This process is called differentiation, the more specialised a cell becomes, the more its ability to differentiate into other cells diminishes and less potent it is.