What’s the Difference Between Cord Blood and Cord Tissue?

What’s the difference between cord blood and cord tissue? Well, that’s a good question, and we’re often asked about it.
Not sure? Don’t worry. We’ve put together this blog to make everything crystal clear.
To be fair, there IS a significant difference, so we’ll take you through precisely what it is, and explain why storing your baby’s cord blood and cord tissue is well worth thinking about – as well as a few reasons to consider Cells4Life as your number one choice for stem cell banking.
Once you start looking into stem cell storage, and the life-changing benefits it can offer your family, you’ll start amassing a bank of knowledge. Not only is it a fascinating subject, it’s also good to get everything clear in your mind.
This way, you can make the best, most informed decisions going forwards.
Where We Are Now
In a nutshell, you may have been aware of cord blood banking for some time. Why? Because it’s been on everyone’s radar for quite a long time from breaking news articles on clinical trial results for conditions such as Diabetes through to Cancer. The concept of cord blood banking began in 1982, when a scientist called Edward A. Boyse wisely suggested that the umbilical cord, a rich source of stem cells, was being wasted after birth.
And, how right he was! Stem cell therapies using cells from cord blood can, 40 years later, treat the root causes of 80 medical conditions and health issues.
Using cord tissue however is a more recent, but, we think equally exciting development. The stem cells from tissue are distinct (we’ll explain how) and although research is ongoing, when it comes to the extra life-saving potential of tissue-harvested cells, the future looks bright indeed.
Something to Know
Cells4Life is the only UK stem cell storage bank that offers you the opportunity to store your infant’s cord blood AND cord tissue in multiple samples. In this way, you are maximising their access to the highest number of stem cells possible. Equally, access to what could be multiple treatments for the conditions that he or she may suffer from as they age.