Duke University in North Carolina has been at the centre of some of the most exciting trials relating to the treatment of neurological conditions. Such has been the success of their safety and efficacy clinical trials, they are now able to offer cord blood therapy to any child who has access to a matched sample and is suffering from one of many conditions, including:
- Autism
- Cerebral palsy
- Hydrocephalus
Cells4Life has already provided customer samples to treat a range of conditions from blood disorders to neurological conditions like stroke and autism.
Private cord blood banking – a worthwhile investment?
Over 4 million families have stored cord blood worldwide, we have produced this useful infographic to show exactly how families are benefitting from storing their child’s cells and the uses of cord blood in regenerative treatments.

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunityYou only get one chance to store your baby’s stem cells.The day they are born