Nation’s Strategy for Longer, Healthier Lives

On Wednesday 12th February 2020, the Ageing Research Centre (ARK) are hosting an event in partnership with the All Party Parliamentary Group for Longevity (APPG) in order to discuss the National Strategy of achieving five extra years of healthy life expectancy by 2035.
The event will be held at Kings College London, Strand Campus from 2-5pm and will include talks from key experts and partners involved in the National Strategy. Cells4Life are delighted to support the APPG for Longevity’s action plan to give all a better chance of living longer in good health.
In this article, we’ve provided an overview of the APPG for Longevity, the National Strategy and the role of regenerative medicine and stem cells in achieving the goal of the National Strategy.
Who are the All Party Parliamentary Group for Longevity (APPG)?
The APPG for Longevity was established in March 2019 with the aim of addressing the scientific, technological and socio-economic issues relating to our ageing demographic whilst promoting living younger, healthier and longer lives. The party has created a 2020 plan, which aims to transform the issues associated with ageing into “one of the most promising opportunities of the 21st century’”.
The APPG have worked closely in partnership with numerous groups such as Public Health England, Behavioural Insight Team, Centre for Ageing Better, Health Foundation, Kings Fund, and Ageing Research Centre (ARC) at King’s College London. They have also worked with leading academics, entrepreneurs, scientists and business figures in order to implement changes within the National Strategy.
Event Details
Event Name: The Health of the Nation: A Strategy for Healthier Longer Lives by All Party Parliamentary Group for Longevity
Date: Wednesday 12th February 2020
Location: Kings College London, Lucas Lecture Theatre, Strand Campus, London, WC2R 2LS
Time: 14:00 – 17:45
What is the National Strategy?
Established in 2019, the National Strategy aims to achieve five extra years of health life expectancy by 2035. The APPG also want to address the health inequalities between the rich and poor, closing the large social gap in healthy life expectancy. The event on the 12th February aims to raise awareness and implement the actions laid out in the National Strategy.
Some key deliverables within the National Strategy include:
Engage with the public and communicate a positive narrative on ageing, including:
– Thinking of the generations in a multi-stage ‘100 year life’ that contrasts with the out-of-date view of ‘learn, work and retire’
– Promoting health as an asset to invest in, nurture and protect for the ‘health and happiness of the nation’
– Empowering citizens and communities to achieve more years of healthy life expectancy and reducing health inequality between the poorest and richest citizens- ensuring the ‘longevity dividend’ is shared equitably in society
Cells4Life Chairman, Wayne Channon, participated in a recent interview with Susan Flory, the Head of Communications for the APPG to discuss the role of stem cells and regenerative medicine in achieving the goals outlined in the National Strategy.
In this interview, Wayne Channon explains how umbilical cord blood and tissue stem cells could be used in treatments for heart attacks, cardiovascular conditions, joint replacements and more. You can listen to the interview, here.
Join us at the launch event on Wednesday 12th February. For more information about the event, click here.
All Party Parliamentary Group for Longevity, ‘Purpose’, accessed 31st January 2020.
Health of the Nation, APPG Longevity, accessed 2nd February 2020, available at:
All Parliamentary Group for Longevity, (2019) ‘Wayne Channon, Chairman, Cells4Life Group, APPG Sponsor’, YouTube, accessed 15th November 2019, available at: