Stem cell harvesting – what happens on the day?
You’ll spend nine months waiting and planning for baby’s arrival and when the big day arrives it will be one of the most important and special of your life. This is why we have designed our systems and processes to ensure that stem cell harvesting is quick, simple and safe, and does not get in the way of your birth plan or meeting your new baby when they arrive.
There is no step-by-step guide to how your labour will progress, so we offer a fully comprehensive 24 hours service to cover all eventualities:
Customer care – our advisors are always available out of hours to deal with emergencies or any urgent queries you may have
Phlebotomist – your dedicated technician is on call 24 hours a day to harvest your baby’s stem cells
Medical courier – our specialist courier service is available at any time, day or night, to pick up your baby’s cord blood and return it to Cells4Life for processing
Laboratory – our laboratory operates 24/7, 365 days per year to ensure that your baby’s stem cells will be processed as quickly as possible – this ensures a more viable cord blood sample