Five Top Tips on How to Prepare for Your Baby’s Arrival

How to look after yourself and get organised before you give birth. And, advice on stem cell storage to help give your little one the best life possible.
Congratulations on your pregnancy!
As you go into your second and third trimesters, and “bump” becomes more visible, it’s all turning into something real. Yes, you are doing this; bringing a new life into the world. It’s so exciting. (It’s also spine-tinglingly nerve-wracking.)
It’s official. Giving birth will be one of the most significant things you ever do – and there’s not long to go now.
So, how should you prepare for your delivery?
Whilst you’re no doubt being bombarded with well-meaning advice, here at Cells4Life we’re seeing the wood for the trees, and cutting through the impenetrable foliage of advice to offer you some basic yet essential tips.
Plus, if we may, an important, final “just leaving this here”-type suggestion. Something that could be life changing.
1. Look After Yourself
Yes, we know – the most glaringly obvious recommendation in the history of everything. But, once baby arrives, your bundle of joy will take up all your attention and energy, so being physically and emotionally ready is vital.
Did you know, for example, that you can book a pregnancy massage? With super-safe essential oils, treatments like this are worth their weight in gold and are a lovely self-care treat.
Have a think about the following:
Exercise. No need to lift heavy weights, or do anything too strenuous. For instance, pregnancy yoga is definitely a thing, and it’s great for your mind and body. Very balancing. Also – walking. Just put your trainers on and take a turn around the park. Human beings are designed to move. And that includes you!
Preventative care. You matter. Leading up to the birth, it may appear that all your healthcare is about being pregnant. However, you’ll need an appointment with the dentist, and one with the optometrist if you wear glasses. Why? Because looking after your teeth or your vision may slide down your priorities list once your little one arrives.

Sleep is essential. Due to pregnancy, you may be tired anyway, so a few early nights with an enjoyable book (or a pen and notebook to plan baby names) will ensure that you’ll get some much-needed rest.
Eating well should be a given, although we all know that life can get in the way. There’s no need to eat for two, but you may need some extra calories:
Second trimester (13 to 26 weeks) – 340 extra calories a day(1)
Third trimester (after 26 weeks) – 450 extra calories a day(1)
Check with your doctor.
Heathy eating guidelines are as you would expect. Try to eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, decent quality proteins and dairy products. Reduce your salt intake if you can, and choose foods and drinks without added sugar.
Feeling sick? We feel your pain. A slice of wholemeal toast or wholegrain crackers may help.
2. Household Essentials
Onto practical things.
Buy loo roll in bulk, plus toothpaste, shampoo, washing powder, paper towels, soap – anything you use regularly, including personal care products. You don’t want to run out of essentials; life is just about to get busy.
Stockpiling is a wonderful way to Teflon your day. Heading forth to the shops with a new-born in tow can be more of an effort than it should be. This way, running out of washing up liquid is just not going to happen.
Also, did you know that you can buy everyday items like these via flexible subscription services? Explore some options through that website beginning with an A, ending with N, and with Z in the middle.
3. Baby Proofing
Are there hazards at home? It’s time to find out.
Assuming that nobody will see you – you may feel rather foolish, but hey, who cares – crawling around your own home to get your infant’s-eye view on the world is baby proofing par excellence. Once he or she starts to crawl, you’ll be glad you did. You are literally taking the right steps to make your environment safer for a small, curious human being.
The following are a great idea, too:
Baby gates at the top of the stairs
Barriers in front of the fire
Fitting safety devices to drawers, windows and doors
Moving dangerous chemicals (eg household bleach) out of harm’s way – and locking them away
Securing heavy furniture, like cupboards or a TV stand to stop them falling over
4. Baby Gear
Advice alert: don’t go crazy. You don’t need to. In our experience, people buy too much and then don’t use it.
Stick to the following:
- Car seat
- Nappies
- A nappy stacker (somewhere to store them)
- Baby wipes
- Barrier cream
- 4-6 vests of bodysuits
- 4-6 sleep suits
- 4-6 pairs of socks
- 2 pairs of scratch mitts (baby’s nails will grow quickly)
- Nail clippers, obviously
- 2 cotton jersey hats
- 1 shawl
- A sleep sack
- Soft flannels
- Baby hooded towels
- Muslin cloths
- Baby toiletries
- A bouncy chair
- Baby carrier
- Moses basket
- Baby monitor
- Thermometer
- Pram/buggy
And finally,