Cord Blood Awareness Webinar: watch it again

Last week we held a live webinar to celebrate the last day of Cord Blood Awareness Month. We thoroughly enjoyed chatting to you all to help raise awareness of umbilical cord blood.
Did you miss the webinar? Don’t worry! You can watch the full video below.
What was discussed in the Cord Blood Awareness Webinar?
- What is cord blood?
- What is cord blood banking?
- What can cord blood stem cells do and what can they be used for?
- What diseases can be treated with cord blood stem cells?
- What makes umbilical cord blood stem cells so special?
- What is the impact of COVID-19 on pregnancy and birth, particularly in relation to cord blood banking?
- Are pregnant women at risk for the coronavirus disease?
- Can pregnant mothers pass on COVID-19 to their baby?
- Does umbilical cord blood contain COVID-19?
- How umbilical cord blood stem cells are being used in clinical trials in the treatment of COVID-19 symptoms?
- Is it still possible to bank cord blood stem cells during COVID-19?
- How will the cord blood collection process work during COVID-19?
- Why is it important for parents to bank their baby’s stem cells, particularly during COVID-19?