Celebrate World Cord Blood Day with Cells4Life

This year, Cells4Life have decided to do something a little different to celebrate the third annual World Cord Blood Day on Wednesday 27th November 2019… we are hosting a live Q&A on Facebook and Instagram to answer all of your cord blood banking questions. Here’s everything you need to know, including some information about World Cord Blood Day 2019.
What is World Cord Blood Day?
Medical history was made in 1988 when the world’s first cord blood transplant took place. You can read more about this incredible story here.
Since then, there have been over 35,000 cord blood transplants worldwide and in 2017, World Cord Blood Day was introduced to raise awareness about this potentially life-changing resource so that more families could discover cord blood banking for themselves.
This year’s World Cord Blood Day will provide a fresh opportunity for these families – as well as doctors, nurses and midwives – to discover the power of the umbilical cord as well as its current and future uses.
Throughout November, parents-to-be and healthcare professionals will be invited to take part in events all around the world that celebrate 31 years of cord blood transplants and the latest discoveries in regenerative medicine.
What happens on World Cord Blood Day?
Save the Cord Foundation and the organisers of World Cord Blood Day have incorporated a virtual online conference as part of the agenda for the day. This conference is free and open to the public and includes various guest speakers with specialists in the industry.
It will feature interviews from world-renowned cord blood experts, Dr. Joanne Kurtzberg and Dr. Karen Ballen, as well as insights into clinical trials for conditions such as autism, HIV, and spinal cord injury.
What are Cells4Life doing to celebrate World Cord Blood Day?
For the first time ever, Cells4Life are hosting our very own question and answer session that will stream live on Facebook and Instagram on Wednesday 27 November at 1.30pm.
During this event, we will be joined by our Chief Operations Officer, Claudia Rees, and our Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Lesley-Ann Martin to answer your questions on everything related to cord blood.
You can ask us anything from how the collection process works to how cord blood is stored and how it could be used. We will be here to chat with you live to respond to all of these questions and more.
How can I get involved?
To be part of this exciting day, simply join our Facebook event for the latest updates and a notification when we go live.
This page will provide you with all-important updates and information about the live Q&A event as well as the link to the live stream. Be sure to submit your questions on the Facebook event page or by mentioning @Cells4LifeUK on social media prior to the event. You can also email us your questions.
Keep your eyes peeled on our Instagram story where we will give you another opportunity to ask us questions through the question-box feature. You will also be able to get in touch by commenting during the live stream.
World Cord Blood Day, Why do we need World Cord Blood Day?, accessed 25th October 2019, <https://www.worldcordbloodday.org/learn-about-world-cord-blood-day.html>
World Cord Blood Day, Agenda for WCBD 2019 Virtual Online Conference, accessed 25th October 2019, <https://www.worldcordbloodday.org/online-medical-conference-agenda.html>
PR News Wire, World Cord Blood Day 2019 to Celebrate Life-Saving Cord Blood Transplants and the Latest Research Results, accessed 25th October 2019, <https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/world-cord-blood-day-2019-to-celebrate-life-saving-cord-blood-transplants-and-the-latest-research-results-300871339.html>
Save the Cord Foundation, Advancing Cord Blood Education, accessed 25th October 2019, <https://www.savethecordfoundation.org>