Stem Cell Blog

Употребата на матичните клетки од папочна врвца рапидно се зголемува. Пред 10 години крвта од папочна врвца можеше да лекува околу 40 состојби, но денес таа бројка е над 80. Со нетрпение очекуваме нови терапии за болести и нарушувања како што се дијабет, аутизам и мозочен удар, можете да бидете во тек со најновите случувања во регенеративната медицина на нашиот блог за матични клетки.


One of the questions we get asked most by expectant parents is whether or not cord blood banking is ‘worth it’.

You may have heard about it online, or through a friend, but don’t necessarily know what it entails, or what the benefits are.

In this blog, we’ll break down everything you need to know—what cord blood banking is, why it matters, the benefits, costs, and whether it’s the right choice for your family.

What is cord blood banking?

Cord blood banking is the process of collecting and storing the precious blood from your baby’s umbilical cord, along with other vital perinatal tissues like the placenta, cord tissue, and amnion.

These tissues are rich sources of two powerful types of stem cell: haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), which both have huge therapeutic potential.

Haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs)

HSCs are found in cord blood, and have the ability to differentiate (transform) into all types of blood cells, including white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets. This ability makes HSCs well positioned for the treatment of blood disorders like sickle cell anaemia and leukaemia.

HSCs from cord blood are already being used primarily in donor treatments for more than 80 different conditions, including blood cancers like lymphoma, immune disorders like SCID, and blood disorders like aplastic anaemia.

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)

MSCs are found in cord blood, cord tissue and placenta and have the ability to differentiate into many different types of cell, including cartilage, nerve, muscle, fat, and bone cells.

This plasticity makes them ideal for use in an emergent field of medical research called regenerative medicine. Excitingly, there are currently hundreds of clinical trials investigating the application of MSCs in therapies for diseases that are currently incurable, like strokeheart failure, and Parkinson’s disease.

Why is having your baby’s own stem cells available important?

Stem cell therapy depends on the body’s immune system not rejecting the transplanted cells. When using publicly donated stem cells from a donor this means finding an HLA match (human leukocyte antigens, which are gene complexes that encode cell-surface proteins that help the immune system determine what does and doesn’t belong to the body) and using immuno-suppressive drugs to minimise the chances of rejection.

However, cord blood banking enables your baby to have their own perfectly matched stem cells ready and waiting in storage, meaning they can access therapies without the risk of rejection.

Is cord blood banking safe?

The cord blood collection process is completely safe, non-invasive, and takes place in a separate room after birth, handled by a licensed phlebotomist.

What are the benefits of cord blood banking?

Life Saving Treatments

Cord blood stem cells are a proven treatment option for over 80 life-threatening conditions. They have been used in more than 40,000 transplants worldwide, providing a vital alternative to bone marrow transplants for conditions like leukaemia, lymphoma, and sickle cell anaemia.

Protection for the Whole Family

By preserving your baby’s stem cells, you’re not only protecting your child’s future health but also potentially safeguarding the entire family. These stem cells are a perfect match for your baby, with a 1 in 4 chance of being a perfect match, and a 50% chance of being a partial match, for a sibling. Additionally, there’s always a 50% chance they could be a partial match for a parent as well.

Future Potential in Medical Research 

Researchers are exploring the use of mesenchymal stem cells in the treatment of diseases like stroke, diabetes, and heart disease. Although these therapies are still in clinical trials, the potential for future applications is vast. By banking your baby’s umbilical cord and placenta now, you could unlock access to cutting-edge treatments in the future.

Why bank cord blood with Cells4Life?

Industry Leading Innovation

Our CellsPlus service uses our industry leading processing technology TotiCyte to retain 3 times the number of stem cells compared to other cord blood processing methods.

More cells in storage means more opportunities for treatments, and could make the difference between treating a child and an adult. Our CellsPlus service also means that cord blood banking is 100% compatible with delayed cord clamping for the first time.

Comprehensive Services

We’re the only UK cord blood bank offering the most comprehensive range of stem cell banking services, including cord blood, tissue, amnion and placenta banking. Saving a diverse range of cells for your baby maximises the range of treatment opportunities they’ll be able to access.

Dual location storage

We can store samples in multiple portions across two locations with SecurePlus. This means that your baby can use their samples multiple times, only using what they need and saving the rest. Dual location storage also provides the peace of mind of knowing that should anything happen at one location, their stem cells are still protected at the other.

Proven Track Record

We are the first choice for UK parents, with more UK families storing with us and over 150,000 samples in storage across our two Sussex sites.

Is cord blood banking worth it?

It’s been predicted that 1 in 3 of us will require some sort of regenerative therapy within our lifetimes. [1] Your baby might be part of the first generation to live beyond 100. Imagine the range of stem cell therapies that could become available to them within their lifetime. Saving their stem cells gives them the best chance of accessing these new and emerging therapies.

Cord blood banking is probably also worth doing if you have a history of illness in your family. Your baby’s stem cells may even end up being the key to safeguarding them, or a close family member, against life-altering conditions that remain all too prevalent; conditions like arthritis, diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.

Your baby’s stem cells could change their life one day.


[1] Regenerative Medicine. Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies.,potentially%20benefit%20from%20regenerative%20medicine.


News about the coronavirus is pretty hard to escape at the moment. Whether it’s being reported on the TV, on the front page of a newspaper, or on social media, we are constantly exposed to it. And that’s not just to us adults, it’s our children too.

It can be difficult to know how to communicate with our children during this period of uncertainty and to explain what is happening in the world around them.