Stem Cell Blog

Употребата на матичните клетки од папочна врвца рапидно се зголемува. Пред 10 години крвта од папочна врвца можеше да лекува околу 40 состојби, но денес таа бројка е над 80. Со нетрпение очекуваме нови терапии за болести и нарушувања како што се дијабет, аутизам и мозочен удар, можете да бидете во тек со најновите случувања во регенеративната медицина на нашиот блог за матични клетки.

22/01/2024 Blog

This week we’re taking a look at the world of tissue engineering and what this could mean for the future of medicine.

Tissue engineering is an exciting area of medicine, it is the study of the growth of new connective tissues, or organs, from cells and a collagenous scaffold to produce a fully functional organ for implantation back into the donor host.  The development of tissue engineering has seen the advancement of techniques and produced results that just 20 years ago would have seemed impossible.

The bio-engineering process of tissue engineering takes cells donated from the patient and manipulates them to become replacement body parts for the same patient.  Current body parts engineered in this way include valves, vessels and even more complex structures including organs such as tracheas and bladders.  While tracheas and bladders are more simple organs, scientists are pushing the boundaries and trying to create complex organs such as hearts and even brains.

As scientists continue to develop tissue engineering, the possibilities seem endless.  Tissue engineering could open medicine up to a tailor made approach with medicines being tested on tissues of patients to ascertain suitability for the patients and even determine possible complications before they arise.  Another possibility is that scientists could study neurological conditions of patients in the lab by using their cells to grow tissue which they can then observe, as John Hopkins have done with motor neurone disease (also known as MND, ALS, and Lou Gehrig’s disease) patients [1].

Over the course of the week we will take a look at cardiovascular tissue engineering and how scientists in America are using stem cells to engineer hearts which could be just a decade from human transplant.  We will also take a look at Dr. Atala, a pioneering researcher who has transplanted a tissue engineered bladder into a patient.



22/01/2024 Blog

Sunday is World Lupus Day.  We’re raising awareness of Lupus and look at how stem cells are being researched to find a treatment.

Lupus is an autoimmune disease.  An autoimmune disease results when the immune system attacks the body’s own cells, in the case of Lupus it can affect the skin, joints and internal organs [1].  Lupus is a poorly understood autoimmune disease; there are several different kinds of Lupus:

•Systemic lupus erythematosus – The most common kind of lupus

•Discoid lupus erythematosus – causes a rash that doesn’t go away

•Sub-acute cutaneous lupus erythematosus – causes skin sores on parts of the body exposed to the sun

•Drug-induced lupus – can be caused by medications

•Neonatal lupus – a rare type of lupus that affects newborns. [2]

While it is thought that genes play a role in causing Lupus, the causes are widely unknown and it is thought that there are many triggers besides genetics alone.

There are treatments available to patients who suffer from Lupus, but as yet there is no cure.  Stem cell transplants are being investigated by researchers as a possible treatment for Lupus but as yet this treatment is not available to the general public.



22/01/2024 Blog


Here we take a look at Diamond-Blackfan Anaemia, a rare haematological disorder, also known as DBA.

What is Diamond Blackfan Anaemia?

DBA is the result of the body’s bone marrow not making enough red blood cells; red blood cells are the cells in blood which are responsible for carrying oxygen around the body [1].

What are the symptoms of Diamond Blackfan Anaemia?

The symptoms of DBA are shared with other kinds of anaemia and include; pale skin, sleepiness, rapid heartbeat, and heart murmurs.  In many cases there are no physical signs of DBA, however, in approximately 25% of cases abnormal features may be present which could affect the face, head and hands, particularly the thumbs [1].

How rare is Diamond Blackfan Anaemia?

Fortunately DBA is incredibly rare, affecting just 125 people in the UK and less than 1000 people world-wide [2].  DBA is usually diagnosed in the first year of life and affects both boys and girls equally, occurring across all ethnicities [1].

How rare is Diamond Blackfan Anaemia genetic?

DBA is a genetic disorder; in about half of families studied, only one person in the family has DBA.  The children of those with DBA have a 50% chance of inheriting the condition with symptoms varying in severity [1].  In families where DBA has been diagnosed, genetic counselling may be available to determine the risk to future children.

What are the treatment options for Diamond Blackfan Anaemia?

The treatment of DBA varies.  Common treatments for very low blood counts in DBA patients include blood transfusions and corticosteroids.  In some patients a stem cell transplant may be considered [1].  Stem cells used in the treatment of DBA may be sourced from bone marrow or cord blood.  Cord blood banking for families affected by Diamond-Blackfan Anaemia could increase the chances of a stem cell match being found for loved ones.




22/01/2024 Blog

This week we are learning about muscular dystrophy and how cord blood stem cells could help sufferers.

Muscular Dystrophy, also known as MD, is a hereditary condition which causes muscle weakness.  It is a progressive condition which means those with muscular dystrophy deteriorate as time goes by.

There are several kinds of muscular dystrophy:

•Duchenne muscular dystrophy

•Myotonic dystrophy

•Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy

•Becker muscular dystrophy

•Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy

•Oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy

•Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy [1]

While muscular dystrophy tends to affect both sexes equally there are a couple of exceptions.  In the case of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, also known as DMD, boys are mainly affected.  However girls can be affected but they have a milder form [1].

Becker muscular dystrophy, also known as BMD, is similar to Duchenne in the fact that it affects more boys than girls.  BMD also affects similar areas of the body; however, the symptoms tend to be less severe [1].

Thankfully Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy is rare, affecting just 233 out of 1.49 million males in Northern England in 2009 [2].

Muscular dystrophy tends to run in families.  It is usually caused by inheriting a faulty gene from one or both parents [3].  The faulty genes affected are those responsible for healthy muscle structure and function.  In those with MD, the faulty genes mean that the cells which would normally maintain muscles are no longer able to do so which leads to muscle weakness and progressive disability [3].

Unfortunately there is no cure for any kind of muscular dystrophy, current treatments aims to slow the progression of the illness [4].  However, stem cell researchers are investing the role of cord blood in patients with MD.  One study took stem cells from umbilical cord blood and combined them with myoblasts from a patient with DMD.  The authors of the paper concluded that “Our findings showed that umbilical cord blood CD34+ stem cells have the potential to interact with dystrophic muscle cells restoring the dystrophin expression of DMD cells in vitro. Although utilized within the context of DMD, the results presented here may be valid to other muscle-related therapy applications.” [5].







22/01/2024 Blog

This week we are taking a look at Motor Neurone Disease (MND), a rare degenerative condition where parts of the nervous system become damaged.

Also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), the condition causes progressive weakness usually accompanied by muscle wasting [1].  Motor neurones are specialist nerve cells which originate in the brain stem or the cerebral cortex, their cell body is housed inside the spinal cord and the axon controls muscles, either directly or indirectly, outside of the spinal cord [2].  Motor neurone disease occurs when these specialist cells no longer work properly.

Motor neurones control important muscle activity, such as:





•breathing [1]

As the disease progresses these activities will become increasingly difficult and may even become impossible which can have devastating effects on those with the condition.

As ALS is a progressive disease the symptoms usually begin gradually over weeks or months.  Common early symptoms include :

•slurred speech

•weak ankle muscles causing a “foot drop”

•difficulty picking up or holding items

•difficulty lifting arms caused by shoulder weakness [1]

Thankfully Motor Neurone Disease is rare, affecting approximately 1:50,000 people in the UK.  While the majority of people diagnosed are over the age of 60, MND can affect anyone over the age of 18.

Currently there is no known cure for MND and treatments are symptomatic and aimed at slowing the progression of the disease.  Stem cells are producing some exciting results for motor neurone sufferers in clinical trials, with a documented case of an elderly patient with MND being able to walk again.  While these clinical trials are showing promising results, they are subject to rigorous testing before any treatment which may be developed could become available to the public; the results are nonetheless exciting.




22/01/2024 Blog

This week we are taking a look at neuroblastoma, a childhood cancer, and finding out how stem cells could help.

Neuroblastoma is a cancer which develops from nerve cells called neuroblasts and is most prevalent in very young children with 90% of all cases being diagnosed in children under the age of 5, neuroblastoma in children over the age of ten is very rare.  Fortunately childhood cancer is incredibly rare however, of the cancers usually diagnosed in infants neuroblastoma is the most common [1].

Diagnosing neuroblastoma early in its development can be difficult as initial symptoms are common ones such as aches, pains, tiredness, loss of energy and constipation [2]; common issues in infancy. Other signs can include :

•a lump in the neck

•bone pain and difficulty walking, if the bones are affected

•numbness, weakness or loss of movement in the child’s lower body, if the cancer has affected the spinal cord

•pale skin, bruising, bleeding and frequent infections, if the cancer has affected the bone marrow

•bluish lumps in the skin and the appearance of “black eyes” [2]

There are several stages used to classify the diagnosis of neuroblastoma and some may be described as high-risk.  High-risk neuroblastoma is particularly difficult to treat and in cases where other treatments are unlikely to be successful an autologous stem cell transplant may be used [3].  Autologous stem cell transplants use the patient’s own stem cells and could be sourced from the bone marrow, peripheral blood or cord blood.

The prognosis of neuroblastoma varies according to the stage at which it is diagnosed.  For low risk neuroblastoma the 5 year survival rate is higher than 95% while for high risk neuroblastoma the 5 year survival rate is 40-50% [4].

As with all cancers early diagnosis is important to improving the chance of successful treatment and survival.  If you are concerned at all about your child’s health please visit your GP in the first instance, however, it is unlikely that a diagnosis of neuroblastoma will be given.






22/01/2024 Blog

We’re continuing our support of National Heart Awareness Month as we look at congenital heart disease throughout this week and how stem cells could offer CHD patients hope.

Congenital heart disease is general term for a range of birth defects which affect the way the heart works.  Congenital heart disease affects approximately 9 in every 1,000 babies born in the UK making it one of the most common types of birth defect [1].

Generally the causes of congenital heart are unknown but there are certain things known to increase the risk including:

• Down’s Syndrome and other genetic conditions

• Rubella and certain other infections during pregnancy

• Diabetes; poor management of type 1 and type 2 diabetes in pregnancy

• Alcohol abuse during pregnancy

• Taking certain medications in pregnancy, including ibuprofen [2]

Down’s syndrome is the most common cause of congenital heart defects however there are steps women can take before and during pregnancy to minimise the risk of their baby developing a congenital heart defect.  These can include making sure their immunisations are up to date, avoiding alcohol, managing diabetes effectively and avoiding certain medications.

Congenital heart defects can be diagnosed during pregnancy so armed with the information that the diagnosis brings, parents can plan in advance and make the choice to bank their child’s cord blood to give them access to stem cell therapies and clinical trials.  Congenital heart defects can range from a small hole in the heart which may heal itself with time or be as severe as half of the heart not being there at all.

Congenital heart disease refers to a range of congenital heart defects; each defect affects the heart differently:

Aortic valve stenosis

Coarctation of the aorta 

Ebstein’s anomaly 

Patent ductus arteriosus

Pulmonary valve stenosis

Septal defects 

Tetralogy of Fallot

Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection

Transposition of the great arteries

Truncus arteriosus [1]

The symptoms of congenital heart defects can vary, however, the general symptoms to look out for are:

• excessive sweating

• extreme tiredness and fatigue

• poor feeding

• rapid heartbeat

• rapid breathing

• shortness of breath

• chest pain

• a blue tinge to the skin (cyanosis)

• clubbed fingernails [3]

It is important to seek medical advice immediately if you think someone you know may have a congenital heart defect.

Stem cells are being used in a range of ways to try and find effective treatments for congenital heart defects including tissue engineered replacement valves to the use of cord blood to try and strengthen heart muscle of those born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome.  Over the course of the week we will look at stem cells and congenital heart disease in more detail.

If you have other concerns about congenital heart disease or would like more information, please consult your GP or midwife.





22/01/2024 Blog

Saturday 28th February is Rare Disease Day.  This week we will be taking a closer look at rare metabolic disorders and how stem cells could help.

There are between 6,000 – 8,000 known rare diseases [1]; any disease affecting fewer than 5 people in 10 000 is considered rare in countries within the EU [2].  At some point in their lives 1 in 17 people will be affected by a rare disease; in the United Kingdom this amounts to approximately 3.5 million people, this also means that collectively rare diseases are not rare [3].  Sadly, 75% of rare diseases affect children and 30% of rare disease patients will dies before their 5th birthday [3].

80% of rare diseases have a genetic component [1], for parents who are aware that their children may be at risk of certain genetic conditions, they may be able to prepare for the future by arranging for their child’s umbilical cord blood to be stored to access future treatments by the child themselves or other family members who are suitably matched.

There are over 80 illnesses in which cord blood therapies are an approved treatment, many of the conditions are considered to be rare diseases.  This week we will be looking at two rare metabolic conditions, the following list specifies inherited metabolic conditions where a haematopoietic stem cell transplant is a fully approved treatment:

  • Aspartylglucosaminuria

  • Adrenoleukodystrophy

  • Alpha-mannosidosis

  • Congenital Erythropoietic Porphyria

  • Fucosidosis

  • Gangliosidosis

  • Gaucher’s Disease

  • Hunter Syndrome

  • Hurler Syndrome

  • Hurler-Scheie Syndrome

  • I-cell Disease

  • Infantile Ceroid Lipofuscinosis

  • Krabbe Disease

  • Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome

  • Metachromatic Leukodystrophy

  • Maroteaux-Lamy Syndrome

  • Morquio Syndrome

  • Mucopolysaccharidosis

  • Niemann-Pick Disease

  • Sandhoff Disease

  • Sanfilippo Disease

  • Sialidosis

  • Tay Sachs Disease

  • Wolman Disease

The metabolism is the chemical process by which our bodies convert the food we eat into fuel to keep us alive.  The types of food we eat can be categorized in to carbohydrates (sugars), fats and proteins.  Each substance has its own special enzyme in the digestive system which can break it down so the body can utilise it.  A metabolic disorder occurs when the body is unable to break down a specific substance.

Over the course of the week we will look at Hurler Syndrome and Krabbe Disease; two rare hereditary metabolic conditions which can be treated with umbilical cord blood stem cells.





22/01/2024 Blog

March is Cerebral Palsy (CP) Awareness Month and we’re excited to be taking part by raising awareness of this condition and how cord blood stem cells are playing a major role in finding an effective treatment for CP.

Cerebral palsy is a condition that affects muscle control and movement. It is usually caused by an injury to the brain before, during or after birth. Children with cerebral palsy have difficulties in controlling muscles and movements as they grow and develop [1].

There are 4 types of cerebral palsy;

•Monoplegia: affects one limb, usually an arm.

•Hemiplegia: affects one side of the body, for example the left side of the trunk, left arm and left leg.

•Diplegia: affects either both arms or both legs

•Quadriplegia: affects all four limbs

There is no cure for cerebral palsy and unfortunately, the only treatments available for cerebral palsy are symptomatic; the symptoms of CP are treated not the cause.  However, that is not to say that progress is not being made in finding an effective treatment for cerebral palsy.

A team in South Korea was the first to publish their findings of a clinical trial using cord blood to treat cerebral palsy.  The work done in South Korea has shown that umbilical cord blood stem cells have made dramatic improvements in movement, cognition and brain development.

In addition to the work being undertaken in South Korea is that of Duke University.  Headed by Dr. Joanne Kurtzberg, the team at Duke have also been celebrating the success of their clinical studies which have used cord blood infusions to treat cerebral palsy and brain injuries.  Such is the success of the trial at Duke that Kurtzberg and her team have received $15 million funding to explore and research the role cord blood could play in treating brain disorders [2].

Cord blood is providing remarkable results for patients of cerebral palsy in clinical trials.  In order for a child to take part in such a clinical trial they need to have access to their cord blood.  To help facilitate access to clinical trials Cells4Life have created +Protect Extra, this is a is a policy extension to +Protect that provides up to £50,000 of additional cover for your newborn in the event that Cerebral Palsy is diagnosed within the first three years of his or her life. Typically not covered by other insurance policies, this cover aims to provide a lasting life benefit for your child.




22/01/2024 Blog

This week we’re talking a look at some of the men and women who are pioneering the advancement of stem cell research.

Pablo Rubinstein founded the world’s first public cord blood bank in New York in 1992, since then public cord blood banks have been opened across the globe saving thousands of lives.  Since that first cord blood bank opened, the treatments available with cord blood have increased and the research into its potential has expanded greatly.

Joanne Kurtzberg is a doctor at Duke University who famously works with umbilical cord blood to treat brain injuries, particularly cerebral palsy.  Her work is still at research level but the results have been very promising indeed.

Of course there are several sources of stem cells in the body, while cord blood is often the preferred source for many treatments, many patients in need of stem cell therapy do not have access to their cord blood as the option to bank it was not available at their birth and it was discarded.

Researcher Geoffrey Raisman used stem cells from a patient’s olfactory bulb to repair spinal cord damage which enabled his paralysed patient to walk again.  While this is very exciting research, it is incredibly early in its development but nonetheless, pioneering.

Another of our featured stem cell pioneers this week is Dr. Anthony Atala who uses 3D printers to print stem cells into organs; this pioneering work could revolutionise the organ donor register.

There are stem cell pioneers across the world who are working incredibly hard to turn what was once considered to be science fiction into science fact.  Thanks to these pioneers, stem cell research is an incredibly exciting area of medical science making an incredible difference to the way we think about treating medical conditions and also changing the lives of people around the world.