A Guide Cord Blood Collection and Storage

If you are curious about the process of cord blood collection, you will be pleased to read that as the parents your involvement in the process is minimal. Collection is designed so that you can focus on the birth of your child, and it will not impact on your birth plan in any way. In fact, the collection will be done in a separate room after the birth, and it is done by a phlebotomist (a specialist who is licenced to collect blood).
Keep reading to learn more.
Setting up your collection
Along the way, some moments involve the parents or birth partner. However, at Cells4Life we like to think we’ve made it as easy as possible for you.
You need to make the initial enquiry (sign up below to get your free Welcome Pack)
Pick your service – our most popular is Platinum
Provide your details and pay your deposit.
We then send your Collection Kit, which you will need to take with you to the hospital.
On the day of birth
You give your Collection Kit to your phlebotomist (you will be assigned two – one primary, and one back up)
They then collect the blood, tissue, placenta and/or amnion (depending on the service you selected) once your child is born
Finally, they will take a maternal blood sample, which is a legal requirement in the UK – all mothers must be tested for certain diseases. This is quick, simple, and safe – just like any other blood test. If the mother is unable to give a sample due to the process of birth e.g. dehydrated, lost too much blood, etc. the sample will need to be collected at a later date but preferably within 7 days.