Pregnancy Myths: Debunking the Old Wives Tales

Something that inevitably happens when you’re pregnant is that you get offered advice from everyone! This includes those old wives’ tales – those widely held traditional beliefs and myths on pregnancy that are now regarded as unscientific or incorrect.
Whilst they may be incorrect, they can be fun… think “eating for two”, that pregnancy myth often employed to indulge during pregnancy. As many of them are related to the sex of your baby, you have to consider that they might be right half the time, which probably explains their enduring popularity.
Please read our rundown of old wives’ tales and pregnancy myths to learn the truth.
Gender Prediction via Strange Means
There are dozens of ways that you can supposedly predict your baby’s gender, including:
Bad morning sickness – having a girl
Bump – high for a boy, low for a girl
Sleeping – on your right side, girl, left means boy
Now sometimes, the tale and the truth do collide. Maybe your baby girl did cause you some extreme nausea, or you slept on your left side the whole time, accommodating your baby boy. Yet, the only way to get a definitive answer on the gender is to wait until they are born (if you so choose) or find out at one of your ultrasound scans from around Week 20.
Can I Travel when Pregnant?
You cannot travel while pregnant. Not at all. You must stay put and be bored.
We are joking, but some out there will tell you that you shouldn’t travel, especially fly, during your pregnancy.
If in doubt, read the NHS advice for travelling during pregnancy.
Here are a few tips:
You may feel more comfortable travelling during the middle part of your pregnancy. Once the morning sickness subsides and your bump isn’t too big
Make sure you keep moving for your comfort – especially while flying – and have a good stretch
Limit journeys to a few hours at a time and take breaks where needed
Eat and drink – keep your energy up and stay hydrated. Tiredness and some dizziness are common during pregnancy, so give yourself half a chance