10 Ways to Survive a Winter Pregnancy

For some mums-to-be, a winter pregnancy is a welcome reprieve from the heat of summer. Yet as the nights draw in and the temperature falls, there is a whole new set of challenges that you will need to think about.
Here are some tips to help you beat the seasonal blues and stay fighting fit during this year’s cold snap.

The colder winter weather doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to don thicker clothing.
In fact, a mother’s body temperature is naturally elevated during pregnancy, which means it may be better to wear layers of thinner clothing instead. You can then add or remove layers as and when you need to.
Bear in mind that skin is increasingly sensitive during pregnancy, so it is best to steer clear of woollen clothing that can cause itching. Instead, opt for cotton, cashmere and softer materials that won’t irritate your skin.

During pregnancy, cravings make it harder to keep track of what you are eating but in winter, make an extra effort to add fruits and vegetables to your diet – especially those which are high in Vitamin-C.
Some mums-to-be swear by adding saffron to their diet, as it promotes body warmth and has a variety of additional health benefits.
If you fancy a warm drink, remember to skip any tea and coffee. Pregnant women are advised to limit caffeine to no more than 200mg per day. Instead, opt for a calming hot chocolate or herbal tea.